Daryl Daxler (Scientist)
Dr. Daryl Daxler (Dax), an American, mid-western girl, orphaned at 7, and raised in Texas by adopted parents of Asian ancestry. Dax is a “triple Doc” (3 PhD’s in Electronics, Astro Physics and Para-Psychology). Dax is not, and never was, ‘your average bear’. Dax has always had an almost obsessive theory about how to communicate with intelligent life on distant worlds. She believes Mankind has been reaching out with the wrong tool… as in Radio Frequencies (RF). Dax has pioneered and firmly believes that listening with our “Minds” – via a form of “Synthetic Telepathy” is the answer. Daryl calls in some favors to bring her “Telepathy Not RF” roadshow to the VLA (Very Large Array) where SETI (the Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence) is now Headquartered in New Mexico.

Daryl Daxler (CyberKnight)
Scientist and Inventor, Daryl Daxler (Dax), cracks the Fermi Paradox! SETI has never detected any “Alien Intelligence” because aliens aren’t using radio signals, they communicate telepathically. The machine Dax builds (the “ReAmplifier”) results in her intercepting a telepathic “World Protector Kit” which results in her becoming the reluctant “Hero” of Earth and leader of the “Hand Puppet Commandos”.