Do the HPC Have "Fee Will" or are totally Under the Command of DAX?
The “Hand Puppet Commandos” (HPC) are both strongly influenced and directed by Dax – but at the same time have free-will and an integral set of mission commands. They can act independently, but all of them are sub-set of Dax’s personality and thus always act as she might and in the best interest of Dax and the HPC as a group. Their intelligence, and the actions they take are guided by, and derived from, Dax’s mind (and her 3 Ph.D’s worth of knowledge) and the “Group’s” multi-planetary data base of experience.
How are the Recent UFO Revelations Connected to the HPC Story?
The recently revealed UFO videos of the “Tic-Tac” and the “Black Cube in the Transparent Sphere” are part of the multi-thousand year effort by the Menace civilization to keep tabs on worlds that have future potential for contact and harvesting. The fully automated ships – what we term as “UFO’s” or “UAP’s” seen throughout the ages were sent out ten’s of thousand of years ago by the Menace civilization as small FTL (Faster Than Light) scout ships. Their purpose is to observe the development of their selected worlds awaiting a level of development that is appropriate for the attention of a Menace Harvest Ship (MHS) to then place their world into a schedule for arrival. In the last 20 thousand years the these Scout ship’s software was updated to detect the signals of a WPK (World Protector Kit) activated on a planet. The WPK signal elevates the status of the planet to an immediate “threat” and places the planet on a immediate “Seek & Harvest” status. The development of the “ReAmplifier” by Dax and the Activation of the “Personifier” creating the HPC has alerted the Menace to the need to Harvest Earth ASAP.
Can they be killed?
YES… in a way.
The HPC (the 7 Hand Puppet Commandos) have many powers and abilities but are capable of being killed/destroyed. It takes a lot of various types of heat, electrical or physical kinetic energy to penetrate their forcefields but when it happens the energy disrupts their ability to stay in the form they acquired via the “Personifier” and they revert to their original “lifeless” hand puppet forms. In this way they are “DEAD”, but their original Hand Puppet Form survives in its basic “fabric and stuffing” inanimate “doll” form.
Is the Story in the Graphic Novel the same as the Story in the Full 2 Hour Screenplay?
Yes… & NO. The Graphic Novel is a condensed “Origin Story” that is presented in a highly graphic manner with a 1st person narrative – to provide all of the important elements of “how and why” of the beginnings of the CK&HPC. It will be followed by 2 more Graphic Novels that tell the continuation of the story of the defeat of GrayLord, the global-wide battle with the Menace and what happens to DAX 5 years later.
The Full Movie Script (of 135 pages – roughly 1.5 to 2 hours screen time) is a broader view of Dax’s life and how it leads up to the Major Events in the Graphic Novel. The Full Movie Script has many more characters, comedy, romance and a more complex and compelling story that leads into the next 2 movie sequels, yet can stand alone as a compelling movie.
Do the HPC have powers and abilities not shown in the 1st Graphic Novel and 1st Movie Script?
“Yes. The Full Graphic Novel (especially part of the “Characters” section) as well as the Full Movie Script hint at other abilities and powers of the Cyberknight and the HPC. These powers and abilities will be fully featured in the upcoming 2nd and 3rd graphic novels, as well as in the upcoming 2nd and 3rd movies (and their scripts when available for review).