Enrico Fermi
Enrico Fermi, 1938 winner of the Noble Prize and one of the main scientists that created the “Manhattan Project” posed a simple question to his fellow scientists… but the answer would change the world due to Dax’s fascination with what the world came to know as the Fermi Paradox. It was often called “The Great Silence”, and spoken about in conjunction with theories like “the Great Filter” and “the Dark Forest Theory”. The “Fermi Paradox” was the fact that with so many billions of stars in the Milky Way, and the great possibility that they might all have planets like our solar system, the question Fermi posed was “Where is Everybody?”, the simple question: “Why haven’t we heard from anyone?” As it would turn out Dax’s hunch that we were looking at the universe with the wrong tools was right, and the DAX Project opened the flood-gate of interplanetary telepathic communication along with the potential of total global annihilation.

The Fermi Paradox
In the summer of 1950 at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico (Home of Atomic Energy), Enrico Fermi and co-workers Emil Konopinski, Edward Teller, and Herbert York had one of many lunchtime conversations. In one, Fermi suddenly blurted out, “Where is everybody?” The result of his question was general laughter because of the strange fact that in spite of Fermi’s question coming from the clear blue, everybody around the table seemed to understand at once that he was talking about extraterrestrial life… Aliens!
The Fermi Paradox & the HPC Story
Fermi Paradox as the Basis of the Hand Puppet Commandos story.
The “Fermi Paradox” has haunted Daryl Daxler’s (DAX) subconscious since childhood. What is the “Fermi Paradox”? Simply put it is the question that was raised by famed scientist, & Nobel Prize in Physics winner, Erico Fermi during a casual meeting in 1950 over lunch with a number of his contemporaries in the fields of physics. Fermi, seemly out of nowhere asked the question that would forever be known as the “Fermi Paradox”. He said: WHERE IS EVERYBODY? His implication: With so many possible worlds, Why haven’t we heard from anyone? Many scientists have proposed many answers to Fermi’s question. From the famous Drake equation to the efforts of SETI, it is still a question that many ponder.
Dax’s intuition told her that the search for extraterrestrial life was faulty because it relied upon “RF” (Radio Frequency) detection of those civilizations. Her premise of developing a “Synthetic Telepathy” as the basis of communication paved the way for extraterrestrial contact and the creation of the Hand Puppet Commandos.